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Welcome to Kitty Couture Cattery!!! We are a small boutique Cattery! We specialize in Dwarf Breed Kittens for sale. We are here to serve you and match you with your Purrrfect Fur Baby

— Dellea
Our Latest Reviews:
"Hi Amy!
Hope you, your family, and kittens are doing well!
Wanted to give you a Bean update: she's 3 lbs now and so sweet to everyone, super cuddly always laying on her back and in laps, watches me brush my teeth and put on makeup everyday, and is really confident. She is obsessed with her doggy brother, but he still has only child syndrome. I feel so lucky to have such a great kitten and appreciate how well you raise them!"
"Thank you Amy for allowing us to invite this little guy into our lives. And most importantly thanks to you, your family, and staff for always making time to always keep us informed with everything Jax related. We're really blessed to have a kitten that comes from such a loving home. We promise to always give him the love and care that you and your family showed him. My wife and I couldn't be any more happier." -Miki & Priscilla
"We are definitely in love with Aspen!! Talk about cuteness overload!! She is just the most adorable & sweetest kitten!! I had to set a timer every 10 minutes or so on the way home so me & the kids could all take turns loving on You definitely raise the sweetest kittens!! She seems to be adjusting well. We have her all set up in our youngest sons bedroom & now he won’t leave his room We only went to Pet Smart twice today to get her more stuff than we already had so she may get a little spoiled." -Stacy
Kitty Couture
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